4 Ways to Show Your Mom Some Love on Your Wedding Day

Since we are in the “season” of nurturing, we cannot think of a better time to share some special ways to show your mom a little extra love on your wedding day. Check out our recommendations. Your moms will LOVE you for it.

1. Make Sure Mom is Surrounded by Her “Tribe.” Just like you, your parents have a tribe of family members and/or friends whom they love and want to have near them on your wedding day. Instead of encouraging your parents to sit with your new in-laws, allow them to pick exactly who they want at their “VIP” table for the dinner reception.

2. Include Mom in the Hair and Make-Up Schedule. Moms want to look great in the wedding pictures too! So, remember to include them in the hair and make-up schedule for your wedding day. Are you concerned that the “getting ready” music might be too loud for mom? Set up a separate, but equally special beauty room just for the moms (and even the grandmoms).

3. Ask Mom to Help You Get Dressed. Believe it or not, this will probably be the last time your mom will be able to help you get dressed. If you are a groom, ask your mom to pin on your boutonniere after you get dressed. And, make sure your photographer captures the moment — It might seem insignificant to you, but it will be a big deal to your mom.

4. And, Don‘t Forget Grandmom. If your grandmom is able, consider including her in the hair and make-up schedule. Invite her to be present for your special pre-ceremony moments. Allow her to be escorted down the aisle during the processional. And give her an opportunity to toast you or say a special blessing during the dinner reception.

Love and Soul Always, Kawania



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