Event Planner Secret, Wear Different Shoes Throughout the Evening

Pink Wedding Shoes and Pearl Clutch. Natarsha Wright Photography. Howerton+Wooten Events.

Are you worried your shoes are going to hurt your feet on your wedding day?!? Here’s a tip!  Purchase at least two different pair of shoes to wear throughout your wedding day.  The different shoes will give a break to some of the pressure points on your feet.

Here are more recommendations to keep your dancing feet happy.

  • Purchase your wedding day shoes at the end of your day. Your feet tend to slightly swell a little throughout your day, so we recommend trying on and purchasing your wedding day shoes when your feet are at their largest.
  • Ensure that your wedding day shoes give your feet good support. Shoes that are too tight, or don’t have proper arch, sole or heel support can cause you to feel intense pain throughout your wedding day. Purchase shoes that fit you comfortably and provide your feet with good support. If you don’t, the pain will show on your face throughout your wedding day.
  • Get a Wedding Day Pedicure. Trim your toenails to ensure they are not too long on your wedding day. And, be careful not to round out the nails! You don’t want a bad case of ingrown toenails!
  • Drink Plenty of Water. If too much sodium and water collect around your foot, leg, and/or ankle, it could be peripheral edema. As a result, your foot could be too swollen to comfortably wear your shoe. If that is the case, consider drinking more water. It may help your kidneys notice the additional salt and water, sending a message to the body to release both. (By the way, we are not doctors! See your healthcare professional to confirm that additional water will assist your condition.)
  • Just say “No” to some Flip Flops. Some foot doctors recommend that you should only wear flip-flops that offer arch support, and don’t wear them for long periods of time.
  • Avoid Going Barefoot. If you don’t wear shoes, your feet are exposed to the elements and you can stump your toe, cut your skin or your groom can step on your feet! (Ouch!)

Happy Dancing!

Love and Soul Always, Kay




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