Escort Cards are the pretty little notes that “escort” your wedding guests to their reception seats. They typically include the name, table number, and sometimes the meal choice for a wedding guest on them. When it comes to a wedding, they are very beneficial. But, there are a few escort card snafus you can make […]
When you meet with potential wedding vendors, you may get a little caught up in their beautiful pictures and miss the “nitty gritty” of the business interaction. In order to compare vendor services, you want to walk away knowing pricing, reputation, contract terms, and coverage, so I have listed below five things you should ask […]
Every now and then, someone will ask me about the difference between an escort card and a place card (and when should they use them). If you are not in the wedding industry, it can be confusing — I must confess that I never heard of the word, “escort card” before I began working in […]
Escort Cards are just what a couple needs to “escort” their wedding guests to their reception seats. But, there are a few escort card errors you can make that could potentially slow down the seating process. Here are four little errors couples typically make that can potentially drive your wedding guests a little nuts. (For more […]