Escort Cards are the pretty little notes that “escort” your wedding guests to their reception seats. They typically include the name, table number, and sometimes the meal choice for a wedding guest on them. When it comes to a wedding, they are very beneficial.
But, there are a few escort card snafus you can make that could potentially slow down the seating process and drive your wedding guests a little nuts —
1. Organizing the guest names by table numbers. If your guests have been drinking alcohol during the cocktail reception AND their eyesight is less than stellar (see below), it’s almost impossible for them to quickly find their card if it is grouped by table number. Please try to keep your cards grouped by last name.
2. Selecting a “difficult to read” font. I love pretty fonts — especially when it comes to calligraphy. But, some font styles are not meant for escort cards, and they can be very challenging to read. If you have your heart set on a pretty font with lots of loops and curls, use it on the program cover or signage — These types of fonts are easier to read when they are printed on a larger scale.
3. Placing the escort cards in a dark location. If your eyesight is like mine, finding your escort cards in a dark location is a bit of a challenge. If you have your heart set on a specific location, consider asking your lighting vendor to spotlight the escort table. That little touch goes a long way.
4. Missing escort cards. It may seem crazy, but guests feel unwelcome when they can’t find their escort cards. Enlist the help of a family member or friend to double-check your cards against your final guest list. How do I know this? Your guests may never say anything to you, but they complain to wedding planners.
5. Misspelling your guest names. In the whole scheme of things, misspelling a name or two may seem like a minor detail. But, it may be more than a minor detail to the wedding guest who secured a sitter at $12/hour, drove two hours to your wedding, and spent $100 on your wedding gift. It’s all about the guest experience, so ask a friend and/or family member familiar with your wedding guests’ names to check your work.
For more helpful tips and recommendations related to wedding stationery etiquette or instructions for selecting your stunning wedding invitations, download our Wedding Day Stationery guidebook here.
Love and Soul Always, Kay