Don’t Leave Your Wedding Guests in the Dark


On this Good Friday, I cannot help but think about the pomp and circumstance surrounding the Catholic religion. As a lifelong Catholic, our religious traditions and ceremonies are second nature to me. To my Southern Baptist husband, it feels like a foreign world.

This is something to think about as you plan your wedding:

  • If your wedding ceremony is honors a specific religion or faith or a specific culture, consider including a thorough explanation of the ceremony in your wedding program.  This may affect the cost of your wedding program, but it will keep your wedding guests engaged.
  • If your wedding ceremony music is unique, consider including the lyrics in the program. Or, ask the officiant or the cantor to let the wedding guests know how they can find the music in the hymnal or missal.
  • If your menu is specific to your culture, consider including a brief description of the menu items on the menu card.  Wedding guests have so many dietary needs, so the inclusion of the menu descriptions will help them relax and feel included.
  • Do your fiance‘s friends and/or family come from a completely different state?  Then, make sure that your wedding web site and your welcome bags include a welcome note from you.  List some of the local attractions and tell them your favorite eateries.  They will feel like they have an inside track to your life.
  • If your wedding guests should avoid certain colors or articles of clothing at your ceremony, let them know in advance.  No one wants to feel uninformed.
  • If your reception will include a Jewish hora dance or a polka dance, ask the DJ or a family member to share a little background of the dance before it begins.  While most of your wedding guests will understand the specifics of the dance, they may not know how to participate or if they can participate in the dance.
  • If most of your wedding guests speak different languages, include a fun key of wedding day phrases in both languages.  Your guests will love that!

Enjoy your holiday weekend!

Love and Soul Always, Kawania

(Photo: Allison and Chris Britton Photography)



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