Have you been trying to come up with a diplomatic way to tell your wedding guests you want them to be vaccinated (or have a negative PCR test)? Coming up with the right words is not always easy, so we did a little “word-smithing” for you.
- Give your guests ample time to prepare. If you want them to be vaccinated, please note this in your wedding invitation so they have ample time to prepare.
- If you are making this decision after your wedding invitations are mailed, please notify your guests as soon as possible. You can send a postcard with this request. Or you can send a text or an e-mail.
- Communicate this information more than once. Your guests might miss this request the first time you send it.
- Keep the vaccination choices of your wedding guests private. This is not the time for gossiping.
- Don’t forget your wedding vendors — You probably want them to be vaccinated too.

Our Efforts To Keep Everyone Safe.
“The impact of these past two years has affected us all, and we know that making any decision to celebrate with family and friends during this time could be extremely difficult.
We understand that your decision to get tested and vaccinated is personal, but we hope that you will join us in our efforts to ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable with attending our wedding.
If you plan to attend (and we truly hope you do), we ask each guest to either: take a PCR or NAATS COVID test at least 72 hours prior to our wedding day with a negative result; OR have completed your vaccine series at least 14 days prior to our wedding day.
We understand that while COVID-19 restrictions are gradually lifting, any future restrictions made by the local government can impact our overall wedding plans. If for any reason we are no longer able to celebrate our wedding day with you, we will notify you no later than 30 days prior to our wedding.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We cannot wait to celebrate with you and hope to see you there!”
Okay, that’s it. Do you have any recommended wording that you would like to share? Please let me know in the comments.
Love and Soul Always, Kawania