If you are looking for a luxurious non-alcoholic beverage to enjoy during a winter weekend with your girlfriends, check out this lavender hot cocoa recipe.
Ingredients —
- Four (4) cups of Whole Milk (I actually prefer vanilla soy milk because it’s a little easier on the stomach and a little bit sweeter)
- 1/3 cup of Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
- 3/4 cup of White Granulated Sugar
- One (1) pinch of Salt
- 1/3 cup of Boiling Water
- 3/4 teaspoon of Pure Vanilla Extract
- 1/2 cup of Half-and-Half Cream
- One (1) tablespoon of Dried Lavender, plus a little more for Garnish
- Toasted Marshmallows for Garnish
Directions —
- Bring the water to a boil.
- Combine and mix the cocoa, sugar, lavender, and salt in a saucepan.
- Blend the boiling water into the mixture in the saucepan.
- Bring this mixture to a boil while constantly stirring it.
- Simmer and stir the mixture for approximately three (3) minutes. Be careful not to scorch it.
- Stir in the milk and heat it until it right before it comes to a boil.
- Remove it from the heat and whisk in the vanilla extract.
- Divide the cocoa between four (4) mugs while straining out the lavender, then add the cream. Allow it to cool to a temperature comfortable enough for drinking.
- Top the cocoa with the toasted marshmallows and a light sprinkle of dried lavender.
Because of the sweetness of the hot cocoa, I recommend serving this hot cocoa with a savory, buttery croissant. (I’m a fan of the Williams Sonoma mini croissants!)
Enjoy! Love & Soul Always, Kawania