It’s the new year and you just got engaged.
I bet you are eager to get started with your wedding planning, right?
Not so fast.
Before you get too deep in your wedding planning, consider taking care of some of your “real life” tasks first.
- Medical: Schedule your annual appointments with your primary care physician, your eye doctor, dentist and dermatologist. Your appointments don’t have to take place in January, but you should make sure that they are in your calendar.
- Money: Plan your monthly spending budget now. I do this myself because it allows me to be financially prepared for each upcoming month. This will not only give you a sense of your upcoming expenses, it will help you figure out what money you have available for your wedding.
- Work: Let your boss and your HR department know about your wedding date, and your planned honeymoon. Use this time to make sure that your projects are completed and/or covered. Your proactive actions will make you look like a super star.
- Birthdays: Purchase birthday, anniversary, and “thinking of you” cards now. Some web sites allow you to order gifts ahead with a scheduled delivery. Your loved ones will be amazed that you had time to think of them in the midst of your wedding planning.
- Beauty: Stress has been known to take its toll on our skin and hair. Take some time now to book your weekly, monthly and quarterly salon and spa appointments.
- Home and Auto: Schedule your home and auto repair and maintenance appointments now. Many vendors get busy in the spring — So, you will have a better chance of getting the appointment you want if you book it now.
- Pets: I have seen more than my share of brides struggle with the care management plan for their pet(s) during the days prior to their wedding day. Use this month to schedule grooming appointments, appointments with the vet, and your wedding day and honeymoon pet care.
- Your Fiance, Friends and Family: Schedule some nights out with your friends, dinner with family, and dates with your fiance. When all of your wedding planning is said and done, you will be a much happier person if you schedule some breaks every now and then.
Love and Soul Always, Kawania