When your family members and friends arrive at your wedding ceremony, there will be so many fun and unique ways to make them feel special. But, your guests’ wedding experience should begin with your invitations (or better yet your save the dates) — So, here are five helpful tips for making your family members and friends […]
As you approach your wedding day, you encounter numerous beauty appointments. With all of the talented hands involved in creating your beautiful hair, face, hands, feet, and (ahem) other areas, it can be a little difficult to remember whom you should tip and how much. For your reference, I am sharing my handy, dandy Beauty Appointment […]
If you don’t work in the world of events, the terms service charge and gratuity can seem like the same thing. Here is the deal — they are definitely not the same thing. And, confusing them could have a big affect on your wedding budget. A service charge is a mandatory and automatic (pre-determined) fee that […]
Hey there! Have the following questions ever crossed your mind? “How Much Should I Tip My Wedding Vendors?” “Which Wedding Vendors Should I Tip?” “What is the difference between a Gratuity and a Service Charge?” Well you are not alone! Questions surrounding wedding vendor gratuities are probably some of the most common questions we receive […]
Hurricane Florence is heading for the southeast coast of the United States. What it does after it comes ashore remains to be seen, but there is a strong possibility that numerous regions could be very seriously impacted by the storm. We consider ourselves to be a bunch of “crisis management gurus,” so our hearts and […]
If you are like me, you are probably living with a dietary restriction or two that affects your dining experiences. So, what do you do when you receive an invitation to a party, a dinner or a reception? Here are some quick do’s and don’ts. DO — Thank the host/hostess for the invitation and give […]
Media outlets are reporting that Prince Charles is going to walk Meghan Markle down the aisle of the Royal Wedding since her father could no longer do so. Reporters are saying that he will walk her down the aisle for 1/2 of the walk, then she will walk down the remainder of the aisle alone. […]
Years ago, I watched a news story on the Today Show about a couple who made their final payment to their wedding venue ten days prior to their wedding day. And, 11 minutes after they made their final payment (in cash), the venue informed the couple that they needed to close their doors indefinitely and they […]
Every now and then, couples will ask me if it is okay to send an electronic wedding invitation instead of a paper invitation. While I think electronic notices are okay for save-the-dates, I think that paper invitations still rule when it comes for your wedding. Here’s why — 1. Your invitation sets the tone for […]