Over the years as a wedding planner, I can honestly say that I have gotten used to the “look” in my couple’s eyes when I recommend a linen style to them. It’s a combination of fear mixed with “has she lost her mind!” I can’t help but chuckle a little (on the inside) when I see their faces.
To comfort our our couples, I always say something like, “Stay with me here. I know it seems like a lot, but a good linen design really sets the tone for your wedding design.”
And for our couples who feel like their wedding is going to be “too busy,” (and yes, I hear that a lot!) I tell them that design adds pizzazz (millennial translation: fire), but the centerpiece and the place settings will tone it down.
Every time our couple trusts our vision, they are in love when they see their room for the first time! So, step outside of your comfort zone and pick a linen with personality. It will completely blow you away on your wedding day!
Enjoy! Love and Soul Always, Kay
Photo #1 (As seen in Baltimore Bride): Internal Expedition Images with Dexter Cohen
Photo #2: James Ton Photography
Photo #3 (As seen in the B Collective Magazine): Keith Cephus Photography
Photo #4: Rodney Bailey Photography