What Items Should I Include in My Wedding Purse?

Wondering what to include in your cute little wedding purse?  Here are a few of my recommended essentials.

  1. Mirror. First and foremost, you want to be sure that your wedding pictures don’t capture your smile with a piece of spinach in your teeth.
  1. Lipstick. After your marathon kissing ensues with your parents, family members, friends and your new groom, you are going to definitely need it.
  1. Mints. Absolutely, positively no gum!
  1. Handkerchief. If you get one of those pretty ones owned by your grandma or aunt, your hankie will do double duty as your “something borrowed” and your means for dabbing away your special tears.
  1. Two aspirin. You don’t want to endure a headache your entire wedding day!
  1. Two safety pins and two bobby pins. Two safety pins for a possible dress mishap and two bobby pins for a possible hair mishap.
  2. Cash. You may find that you need cash for a last minute need or a gratuity.
  3. Skip the cell phone! Let someone else take the calls!

Okay, now that your purse is well-stocked with your wedding day essentials, let someone close to you carry the clutch for you.  You don’t want to have to worry about keeping up with your purse during the entire reception.

Love & Soul Always, Kawania



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