The meaning of love is not to be confused with some sentimental outpouring. Love is something much more than emotional bosh . . . An overflowing love which seeks nothing in return, [agape] is the love of God operating in the human hear . . . Love is the most durable power in the world. […]
Here are five wedding planning choices that could potentially lead to regret down the road, along with some recommendations for avoiding them — 1. Punishing a Family Member. If you are upset with a family member for not being a part of your life, don’t use your wedding to showcase it. Not everyone will remember […]
On the eve of Christmas,Surely I’ll have you near.I’ll wrap my arms around you,And hold my darling dear. I’ll kiss those lips of wine,As you stand ‘neath the mistletoe.My heart will follow you,Everywhere you go. Merry Christmas, My Love! By Unknown Love & Soul Always, Kawania
Contrary to widespread belief, newly engaged couples aren’t happy because they have lots of money, material possessions, and lots of (ahem) sex.
So, what do happy couples avoid when planning their wedding? Here are 5 things happy couples don’t do.
1. They choose their wedding party wisely. Happy couples know their wedding party should consist of: People who genuinely care about their them and vice versa (this is not a place and time for frenemies) People who genuinely care about their feelings People who actually want to be in their wedding party 2. They hire professional […]
As you plan for your wedding, think of ways to make your groom special. Make him feel like he is an important part of your wedding day. Here are eight ideas – 1. Write him an awesome love letter. Make sure he gets to read it on the morning of your wedding day. 2. Order […]
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here are seven ways to show yourself some love while planning your wedding. 1. Be Grateful. Every day, we are blessed with so many beautiful things in our life, but we can get so busy with family and work that we forget to notice them. Take five minutes every morning or every […]
“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”— Aristotle (Photo: Leo Hein Photography)
Let us be grateful for the capacity to see, feel, hear, and understand. Let us be grateful for this incredible gift of life. Let us be especially grateful for the ties of love which bind us together, giving dignity, meaning, worth and joy to all our days. This is indeed a day which the Lord […]